Monday, November 19, 2012

Hi there, remember me?

Oh, it's only been a couple of years since I've typed a word on Peas Love Carrots (boy it's dusty in here!), but to quote the Monty Python boys "I'm not dead yet!".  I've just been very busy, partially because I've been working on a new blog, Little Fig.

So if there's anyone still out there, I do hope you'll come visit me over at LF.  There's going to be new recipes and a totally new focus on natural cooking (cause that's the way I eat!).  In any case, it's got to be a little more exciting than this place *crickets*.



1 comment:

  1. Wow! Welcome back to food blogging! It's a good thing I checked in as I'm featuring your Vietnamese-Style Moo Shu Chive Pancakes with Turkey Leftovers (the one we published in the Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook!) in our Thanksgiving Leftovers newsletter! Thrilled to hear that you've started a new blog. We'll be sure to follow! Cheers and Happy Turkey Day! Sheri (Foodista CEO)


Thanks for commenting - I'm always happy to hear from you!