Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Reinventing the Lamington cake: LAMBington cake "pops"... PART I

Yeah... this is Part I for a reason that was not in my plan when I started putting this little guy together tonight.  But a lot of things weren't in my plan when I started this tonight...

First things first, though.  Mr. P of the venerable Delicious Delicious Delicious is holding a Lamington competition this month.  A very cool idea that I immediately had an entry in mind for.  While that entry is now, at this moment, sitting in my dining room, the rest of the plan (lots of brothers for my little entry and lots of pretty photos to accompany them) was not to be tonight.

The reason why?  I nearly set my house on fire with one of my photography lights.  Yep.  The photo says it all...

I'm a nine to fiver and I go to school, so often take my food photos at night using a little make-shift softbox light I build out of a cardboard box and and old t-shirt that I was very proud of... however, while taking pictures of my creation tonight, one of the lights tipped forward without my knowlege while I was arranging the shot and ignited the shirt part while I was fiddling with the Lamington.  NOTE: These lights are not normally that close to the lightbox, they were shifted during the "Omigod, fire!  What do I do?!  Stop Drop and Roll??!!  No... find blanket???  Maybe... Call hero boyfriend from other room to come douse the flames??!!  YES!!" part of the photo session.

Anyways, lesson learned here is don't be cheap, even if you're a poor student, and make your own lightbox thinking it will save you money.  Saving $$$ = Flamable Materials.   So, while we had a good laugh about it afterwards (and a few beers to calm the nerves),  needless to say I now no longer have a softbox light.  Therefore, I will have to take my proper pictures of this creation in daylight tomorrow... nice and early.

In the meantime, here is a shot in icky lighting of my entry for the very awesome contest at Mr. P's place...

There's also a chocolate/square version of him which will be completed tomorrow (he's resting in this photo, obviously, waiting to be coated in yummy frosting)...

Did I mention that the prize for winning this particular contest is a cookie cutter in the shape of a Welsh Dragon?  Yeah, pretty kick ace... of course, dragons breathe *gulp* ... fire...

So until tomorrow, when I will be revealing the recipe, REAL photos, etc for this challenge... I say goodnight to everyone.  I'm off to shower off the campfire smell!


  1. omg, I don't even know if I'll bother entering now! I wonder if there will be a non-cute category?

    He is hilarious and amazing (I am resisting the urge to use a pun in my description)

  2. haha, glad everything was ok. your little guy looks super cute! good luck!

  3. OMG! What a story. I'm glad no one was hurt and the damage was...minimal. But the picture looks concerning.

    Your little Lambington is a cutie =) Good luck for the contest.

  4. wonderful little lambington!! so sorry about your softlight box..i would be freaking out if it happened to me

  5. Do they make good pets??? My kids have been pining for one. ;)
    Good luck in the contest ... and go buy yourself a good fire extinguisher. ;)

  6. It is a funny entry! Glad fire was contained in the cradle. Love the Lambington.

  7. that is SO cute!

  8. Sorry about the fire....I lived threw a house fire that destroyed my home...Now, every situation with flames = a scary situation.

    ANYWAY, this is very cute! I wish you the best of like....

  9. Your post made me laugh, the sweet lamb is gorgeous. I expect you are still feeling a bit sheepish (?). It's good you only lost a tee shirt.

  10. Love the post... what I go through to get pictures (my Edwardian apartment is dark dark dark) is similar... but your little guys are
    adorable and well photographed... good for the brilliant boyfriend
    and glad no one was injured save the tshirt and your light box!

  11. Great!!! So cute and creative!

  12. AWWW, if it makes you feel any better, your lambington is ADORABLE!

  13. Hey, setting your "studio" on fire for the prize of a dragon themed prize? It's a sign you'll win for sure! I'm always chasing the light, as it were, for food photos. At night, I end up taking photos in our bathroom, although lately with a better camera, i've been using the dining room table that has strong lighting. My last kitchen crisis was when I had a Pyrex dish explode on me when I thought it could handle being on a stove burner -- apparently not!

  14. How cute, your sure to win, sorry about your tshirt, that sucks!!

  15. Oh no! Glad only the lightbox caught on fire and not more.

  16. OMG, these are super cute! Love your creation!

  17. OMG! You are so funny. Your cake is lovely too. Mr P is the best.

  18. Thanks guys! And yes, I'm also glad it was just the lightbox that went up in flames! I've just ordered a REAL replacement for the fire starter - very excited!

  19. This is so funny and so scary on so many levels...thanks for the grin!

  20. This made me laugh so much! Except I also feel mad. My competition enarly burned your house down!

    He's amazing though! When I read the title, I thought you were actually using lamb. Thank goodness you ain't.

    Can't wait for Part 2!

  21. They look cute already. We are all pleased you didn't burn your apartment down. Seriously. I had no idea those lights got so hot!

  22. Glad that you're ok now. That lambington looks so cute!


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