Monday, November 16, 2009

Asian Potato Salad: 3 Ingredient Recipe #5

3 Ingredient Recipe: Scallion and Ginger Potato Salad

I love potato salad.  It's something I've made many times to bring to potlucks and I always found myself making the recipe more and more elaborate: ham and capers and artichokes.  Yes, they were tasty but at some point you can barely see the potatoes at all drowning under layers of smoked gouda and bacon.  

Here's a simple version of potato salad that uses both sauteed scallions and raw, bright citrusy ginger and nutty sesame oil.  I used a blend of Szechuan and black pepper corns, but just black pepper works nicely.

For a refresher on the rules of my 10 day, 3 ingredient challenge, check out the first post.

3 Ingredients....
  • 3 cups quartered red potatoes (or other waxy potato)
  • 1 bunch of scallions
  • 1 nob of ginger
What to do with it...

  1. Bring potatoes to a gentle boil and cook for approx. 20 mins, or until they can be pierced with a knife, but before skins start to loosen
  2. Drain and place into large bowl to cool
  3. While the potatoes cook, chop white & green portion of scallions finely, keeping separate
  4. Heat a small saute pan with enough sesame oil to coat generously and add white portion scallions
  5. Saute on medium-low until golden, about 11 mins
  6. Add sauteed scallions and raw green scallions to potatoes
  7. Grate in about a tablespoon of fresh ginger (a microplane grater works well for this)
  8. Add salt and pepper to taste and more sesame oil if desired

Just 5 more days left!


  1. Did you know that if you dip the ends of store bought scallions in growing hormone and just plant them in a pot, you can have fresh scallions all year round? I like this recipe and have to give it a try. I am also going to add you to my blog list and hope you will follow me too.

    Enzie via Sur La Table Cuisine

  2. Hey Mae!

    You're sure keeping this up. I'm impressed!

    I would like to say two things about this post. First of all, this is by far the most delicious looking thing you've made for the challenge. I've been watching. It's not that the other stuff is bad, but just look at that beautiful, pearlescent pink potato skin. I want it for the colour of my living room walls!

    Secondly, I love the word scallion! Makes you Americans sound Irish. Top o' the mornin' to ya - we call them spring onions over here.


  3. @Enzie - Very neat scallion factoid! I didn't know that, but it does make sense. I'll have to give that a whirl.... I'm now happily following your lovely blog, btw. :)

    @Mr P - I never thought about it, but this is one instance where the US version of the word is more madcap then the rest of English-speaking lands! Usually we're the boring ones. I will now proudly say "scallion" in as many situations as possible! ... and yes, the red potato color turned out nicely! I can FedEx you a skin to use as a paint chip sample! :)

  4. Oh this loooks GREAT!
    i always try to be confusing and call them scallions!
    But get moaned at! long live the spring onion!
    Looks so good and so vibrant!
    Keeeeep it upp :D

  5. Mae this looks so beautiful and elegant! And I'm sure it tastes just as wonderful! I love how you can be so creative and work with just three ingredients. That's something I could never do- I just chuck in a bit of this and a bit of that so three things would be like... torture :|

    Oh what's that?

    In the distance...?

    Ahh tis zeh finish line! I can see it! Woohoo!

  6. Okay my comment got deleted. Here's attempt #2

    Hey Peas and Carrots girl,

    Don't ever grow up. Always be a Toys-R-Us kid! I love your blog. I'm a fellow SITStah' determined to discover three new bloggers today. Eventually us foodies, health conscious folks, nerds [that's a compliment] find each other. So per your photo cheer up and come on over to visit me sometimes. Let's correspond!

  7. Following along this very interesting challenge! Look forward to the next ingredients.

  8. I found this post via SITS, and this looks YUMMY and EASY -- both requirements for me if I'm going to be in the kitchen. I can't wait to read the rest of the posts in this series.

    Hope you're having a great Tuesday!

  9. This one is awesome! Curious to see what you're going to do next! And I agree with Sanjana - I am too ADD when it comes to cooking and will add things last minute so would definitely end up breaking the rules!

  10. You are so creative. This is great...and all with three healthy ingredients. And so economical!


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