Thursday, November 12, 2009

Roast Pepper Chicken with Acorn Squash: 3 Ingredient Recipe #1

3 Ingredient Recipe: Chicken with Roasted Peppers and Acorn Squash

One of the challenges of 3 ingredients is getting a rich, full flavor and texture with limited options.  With this dish I tried to create a rich sauce out of 2 ingredients.  The result was buttery and rich, and with the addition of a good amount of cracked pepper, it had a kick, too!

For a refresher on the rules of my 10 day, 3 ingredient challenge, check out the first post.

3 things to get...
  1. 4 chicken leg quarters
  2. 6 ounces of roasted red peppers*
  3. 1 medium acorn squash, cubed (you can leave skin on, or peel if you're industrious)  
*Prepared, jarred peppers were used for acidity

What to do with it...

  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees
  • Heat a large oven-proof saute pan over medium heat and add 1 tablespoon butter
  • Sprinkle kosher salt/cracked pepper on chicken
  • Add chicken to your pan and saute on each side until brown, then transfer to a roasting pan and add to oven.
  • Start timer for 45 mins, keeping the pan with drippings on the stove on low heat for the next step
  • In the same pan used for the chicken, toss in squash and saute until golden and then transfer pan to oven (keeping the squash in it's own pan will help keep flavors separate/distinct until plating)
  • While chicken and squash are roasting, add roasted red peppers to a food processor and pulse until it's the consistency of a chunky paste (you can also use ajvar for this)
  • After 45 mins, remove chicken and squash from the oven and transfer half of the squash and all of the chicken to a large plate, reserving the chicken drippings
  • Remove the skins from the remaining half of squash in the pan and add your pepper mixture
  • Pour the chicken drippings from your roasting pan into the pepper/squash mixture
  • Return the pan to the stove on low heat and begin mashing the squash to incorporate into the sauce
  • Season with general cracked pepper and salt to taste
  • Serve sauce over the chicken along with the roasted squash

One down (small 'hurrah!), 9 to go...


  1. A fine start to your challenge. Well done. Hope the hand is healing OK - I can totally sympathise:)

  2. That's interesting challenge. Sounds exciting. Keep going.

  3. IMPRESSIVE and looks delicious!!!

  4. What a creative challenge, your pictures are great. I like that the recipe was simple but produced amazing results, in my book that equals awesome :)

  5. oooo, what a tasty start! i like it.

  6. @Klutzy - the hand is better, though oddly looks dalmatian-spotted on a couple fingers with little grease-drop shaped burns. Weird, as I've never had that happen before! Thanks for asking :)

    Thanks to everyone for the encouragement! :)

  7. Very nicely done. I love a simple roast chicken with juicy meat and crispy skin. I love the idea of using only 3 ingredients. You can really taste the food in its natural state and not be masked by all the stuff. Can't wait for the next post.

  8. Thanks for the tofu tip! I doubt Nick will ever buy it at the fact I know that will never happen...but it's worth a try!

  9. mmm Love the combo!

  10. WOW! I am stunned with what you have done here. Really looking forward to the rest of your dishes. Bravo!

  11. Thanks for stopping by my site and the nice comments!

    First time visiting peaslovecarrots and love it. Great site and some fresh ideas. Looking forward to checking back!

  12. Great use of the ingredients, love it!

  13. @Jared - Yes, it's really helping me to concentrate on the flavors of eat ingredient to really use it to the fullest!

    @Gina - You're welcome, and it's always worth a try! :)

    Thanks again, everybody, I'll be posting another recipe tonight!

  14. Fun concept. Looking forward to seeing how you progress through your 10 days.

  15. Acorn squash just sounds so cute!


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