Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fig, Jalapeno, and Goat Cheese Biscuits

Fresh fig season is coming to a close here in Chicago.  Yes, it might seem a little silly to refer to Chicago as having a "fig season", or anything season really.  We don't have orchards, vineyards or even cornfields really until you're miles out of the city center.  And yet, here are figs for a limited time only, shipped in from somewhere where they have such things.

This recipe is a great excuse to pick up a basket of the last of the Fall fruit.  I use black Mission figs since they're most common here, and they have a pretty deep purple color that goes well with the green jalapenos (why shouldn't food color coordinate?). 

Look for figs that are plump (love that word), and don't have a "dusty" look because that means mold.  They should smell sweet, or else they're not ripe yet.  The sweet gooey-ness of a good batch of these combined with tangy goat cheese and a little smoky bite from jalapenos...good stuff.

Recipe: Fig, Jalapeno, and Goat Cheese Biscuits

What to get...

1 cup diced fresh black Mission figs
1 small jalepeno, diced fine
11 oz goat cheese
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 tsps baking powder
4 Tbsp cold unsalted butter
3/4 cup of milk

What to do with it all...

Preheat oven to 450°.
Combine flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder.
Add butter cut into pieces.  "Cut" the butter into the flour mixture with a pastry blender or 2 butter knives until well incorporated (it'll look like course breadcrumbs).
Add goat cheese, jalapenos, and figs and combine.
Pour in milk a little at a time while mixing (I think it's best to do this with your hands).  Dough should be sticky and moist, but not have excess liquid.
Using two spoons, drop plum-sized scoops of the batter into an ungreased cookie sheet about an inch apart.
Bake for 10 - 13 mins

Makes 18 biscuits

Figs on Foodista


  1. That is just gorgeous. Beautiful crockery, beautiful looking biscuits too. Wow.

    And I love figs. I love the fact that they are inside out flowers, I always feel like it's an amazing treat to be able to eat one. It's affordable decadence! :)

  2. I love this look, very tempting, very edible.

  3. I really believe that figs are underated. I not only think your recipe looks delicious but also has a pleasant and distinct look to it. Nice job!

  4. What a great way to look at the fig, Mr. P! I agree that figs are underrated.

    Kathy, thanks for the compliment! I go for "edible" w/recipes every time over the alternative! :) :)

    "Anonymous": I think a lot of people don't know what to do with them when they see them in the grocery (I know I've been there).

  5. Looks great and sound delicious. I love goat cheese and figs. This has to be good. Thanks for sharing

  6. The fig, jalapeño and goat cheese combo sounds very nice. I can imagine the biscuits tasted great!

  7. great pics. the figs look delicious!

  8. Nice light in the photo of the biscuits, particularly on this grey Vermont morning.

  9. Thank you, everyone!

    Carol - It's very gray here in Chicago, too, and you're right, the colors made the dreary day a bit more bearable ( and delicious :)

  10. This went straight into our recipe box. Great idea. And the photos are fantastic!

  11. Really beautiful pictures, and I can't wait to try the recipe. The combination of ingredients sounds wonderful. Figs in Seattle aren't available now, but I'll save this. Sounds fantastic!

  12. We love this one! Great for Montecito style. Best, s

  13. Wonderful 3 of my favorite ingredients

  14. Mmm what a great combo. I'm having a little trouble imagining what they taste like together which makes me all the more curious.

  15. Mother Rimmy - it is the end of the season, sadly, but I do think purple plums might do alright in this, too... I might experiment!

    Marc - I agree it's strange to imagine these flavors. I first thought to do this spontaneously while making bread for a party. Because I foolishly added it into the machine after the dough was in the "ball" stage, the figs/cheese/jalapenos just baked clinging to the sides of the bread and it was definitely not party worthy in the looks department... but it tasted mighty good. ;)

  16. What a mind blowing combination of flavors!!! Really dynamite!

  17. this sounds amazing! i can imagine the flavour now!
    why don't they create scratch and sniff screens!

  18. Well...I tried them! I must say, I love your biscuits! They are hot and spicy while soft and moist all at the same time.

  19. This is a keeper -- KMR loves them!

    Great use of figs and goat cheese (2 of my favorite foods) in these easy and quick to make biscuits.


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